|DRESSOR & CHANGER(COMBI) – 캡팁연마•교환일체형
•수평 형과 수직형으로 공급 가능
•ROBOT와 연동한 자동 TIP 교환가능
•매우 쉬운 궤도 프로그래밍(체인저)
•18초 이내로 전극 교환(체인저)
•협소한 공간에 설치 가능(일체형)
•이퀄라이저 시스템의 사용 유/무 제안 가능
•It can be supplied in horizontal or vertical position
•These gun may be electric or pneumatic type
• Avoid the operator to enter in the cell to change manually the electrode
•Very easy trajectory programming / One axe only
•Electrode change in less than 18 seconds
•Allow to install the Ultimate changer in reduce space
• Possibility with to propose with or without spring according welding guns type
Support your processes and your performance, with cutters.
|Competition Solution
The chip is pushed through the empty part of the cutter.
Even using a blowing unit to push away the chip, many customers complain about jamming the cutter.
In this case: the electrode is not reaching the blade anymore.
Therefore customer needs to stop the welding line process and clean the cutter.
→ Losing quality of the welding(high risk quality: to rework the welding point)
→ Losing welding line capacity(high risk cost: stop the line)
|AMDP solution
AMDP’s patented cutter is a technology ejecting the chips automatically
Without air blower, the new chip is pushing the previous chips. AMDP’s customers are all satisfied to never jam the process.
→ Best quality guarantee
(No chip blocking the cutting edge of blade)
→ No loss of money(No line stop)
→ Best running costs & capacity guarantee.
– 드레서 및 체인저의 설치위치를 분리 아격하여 ROBOT의 운전공간을 확보하기 위한 회전식 위치보정장치
-Rotary Positioning System for Securing Robot Operation Space by Separated Installation of Dresser and Changer
주축모터 | Spindle Motor | WATT | 750W | 750W | 750W*2 |
운전회전수 | Driving Speed | RPM | 650 | 200 | 650/200 |
모터회전확인 | Check motor rotation | – | PROX SENSOR | MC | PROX SENSOR |
드레서완충 | Equlize system | – | O | X | O |
CHIP 회수장치 | Chip Collector | – | O | <---------- | <---------- |
MAGAZINE센서 | Magazine Sensor | TYPE | X | PROX SENSOR | <---------- |
전극제거 | Electrode remover | TYPE | X | CAM SWING | <---------- |
POSITION 센서 | Position Sensor | TYPE | X | PROX SENSOR | <---------- |
TIP유/무센서 | TIP Place Sensor | TYPE | X | PROX SENSOR | <---------- |
모터제어 | Motor control | TYPE | MAGNET | <---------- | <---------- |
모터과부하 | Motor overload detection | – | E.O.C.R | <---------- | <---------- |
메인전원 개/폐 | Main power ON/OFF | – | NFB(3P 220V/440V) | <---------- | <---------- |
설치옵션 #1 | Installation Option #1 | TYPE | VERTICAL | <---------- | <---------- |
설치옵션 #2 | Installation Option #2 | TYPE | SWING ARM | <---------- | <---------- |