Products>Peripheral device>Co2 Nozzle Cleaner

Co2 Nozzle Cleaner

  1. 1. Cleaning welding spatters adhered to nozzle inside during CO2 welding work, and spraying anti-spatter agent on
       the nozzle and contact tip automatically
  2. 2. Cutting welding wire end, and checking the wire bent or not for securing original welding point and tracking
       welding seam rightly
  3. 3. Improved welding quality and working speed by spraying an anti-spatter agent on the welding nozzle and contact



  • – Torch Nozzle Forced removal of spatter inside
  • – Cut the end of welding WIRE to remove oxide film and check initial origin of welding wire
  • – Automatic application of rust preventive liquid to prevent spatter fusion inside the nozzle that has been cleaned
  • Torch Nozzle Forced removal of spatter inside


  • Cut the end of welding WIRE to remove oxide film and check initial origin of welding wire


  • Automatic application of rust preventive liquid to prevent spatter fusion inside the nozzle that has been cleaned

☎ T E L : 031-433-0290   F A X : 031-433-0272