Products>Quality Inspecter>Weld Manager
Weld Manager

For welding a product with several welding spots in hardware resistance welding, some welding spot may be missed by welder’s mistake. Such missing of welding spot can be prevented 100% by Weld Manager(Preventer of welding spot missing) and it sets production counter and dressing cycle by product so that operator can take roles as a part of manager and the manager can save time and cost in production control. It shows total production quantity by time frame so that productivity can be maximized through evaluation of operator as well as motivation, achieving planned production.
- 1. Counting production by product (0-9999)
- 2. Counting welding spots (0-99)
- 3. Counting total product produced (0-999999)
- 4. Detecting nut missing
- 5. Reset function
* Completion of all pre-set functions is indicated to operator by warning lamp and buzzer sound so that the operator can carry out given work stably.
☎ T E L : 031-433-0290 F A X : 031-433-0272